Well, in an attempt to free myself from some boredom...(hey, teacher's CAN get bored during a two week break right?) I've decided to start my own blog. Hopefully, I won't bore you with silly stuff, but I figured I would give it a try and see where it takes me. I have hopes of keeping friends and family up-to-date with our lives...exciting as they may be!
I'm super excited for Christmas...but that is nothing new! I feel the same about Christmas every year as the day I did when I was 5. I wake up, run to my brother's room to wake him up, go get our parents, then run downstairs to see what Santa has left us. However, this will be the first year things won't be quite the same...at least for me. This will be my first "married" Christmas! As exciting as this is, it will definetely be different. Hopefully, it will allow M and I to create some new memories and family traditions. I have "attempted" to start some new traditions, but M isn't having it. Bah Humbug! As the procrastinator that I am, I tried to send out cards this year, but M thought it was unnecessary. I finally got around to it today...thanks to the help of Picnik (at least through email :)
Here is the final copy...
Merry Christmas everyone!