I can not believe how quickly time flies once you have a baby! It seems like only yesterday I was sitting on the couch, having contractions and hoping and praying to meet you soon! (It may have something to do with the sleep deprivation!) Our lives have been forever changed, and we can't imagine what life would be like without you. Here are some of the things you are doing this month:smiled
laugh while falling asleep
eating every 2 1/2-3 hrs
sleeping in crib at only 2 weeks
wearing newborn diapers and clothes
rolled over from tummy to back for the first time! (not sure if this was an accident or intentional...but we are on guard now!)
love your swing
Here is a photo from your 1 month photo shoot: (you were a trooper and endured Mommy's obsession over taking these pics...let's hope this continues unlike your Daddy who hates pictures!)

You put your arm out on the piggy bank all by yourself...I promise I didn't stage that! :)