Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Highlights of 2010

As the end of this year comes to a close, I can't help but reflect on all of the things that happened to our family this year. 2010 has definitely been an eventful, exciting, trying, and amazing year! I am beyond blessed to have an amazing husband, healthy and adorable baby boy, and supportive families!
Here are some of the highlights of our year:

January-- M turned 27!
February--Got a new SUV!
March-- Had LOTS of baby showers and last minute preparations for baby boy!
April--Conner is born!!
May--Sold house in Lafayette, and found house in Westfield.
June--Moved into new house!
July-Celebrated July 4th (and mother-in-laws b-day) at Hoosier Park
August--Started back to work after 4 1/2 (wonderful) months at home with Conner! Conner started daycare! :(
September--Adjusted to life as a working mom! :(
October--L turned 26! Conner started crawling (and pulling up, and sitting up!)
November--Celebrated Conner's first Thanksgiving!
December--Celebrated Conner's first Christmas and enjoyed spending the last 2 weeks of the year at home!