This poor blog has been neglected...
I could come up with many excuses...
1. It's summer, and I'm a teacher...therefore I am NOT working right now! (HA! Any mother knows that's really not true...but oh well!)
2. I have too much fun looking at everyone else's blogs! (Bower Power, Thrifty Decor Chick, YHL, G&D...the list goes on...and on)
3. I am working on my tan. (with a toddler?? Yeah...right)
4. I am dying of heat exhaustion in this lovely Indiana heat wave! (Hello 115 are NOT my friend. I broke into a sweat at 7:00 am just taking out the trash!)
But this madness has to stop! I have tons of ideas, lots of projects, and I need a place to organize all my thoughts. So that's it, I'm giving it another go and you all better hang in there with me!