Here we go...again! I am going to give this a much greater effort to keep up with this blog. There are so many reasons I shouldn't attempt this again. I work a full time job as a 2nd grade teacher. I am a mother of a toddler. I want to start a side business. I have a house to keep clean. I would rather sleep. Or watch my television shows.
The odds are definetely stacked against me. But something inside me just keeps telling me to stick with this. I love writing down my thoughts. Some days, its the only way I keep sane. Some days, I just want to let it all out. Some days, I can get so lost in my own thoughts that nothing ever comes out. Am I alone here? Blogging is my me time..and this year, I am committed to finding the time for ME.
Don't get me wrong. I am very in love with my husband of nearly 4 years. I am head over heels in love with my 21 month old son. I just know that in order to be the best mother and wife, I need to first take care of me. I hope to keep up with this blog and document my thoughts, dreams, and journey along the road of life. If I get followers, great! If not, that's ok too! I just want to have a way to keep up with the thoughts going on inside this mind.
Anyone else trying to find more time for yourself this year? Or maybe you would just rather watch your tv shows than keep up with a blog?