38 Weeks
- Weight gain: 23 lbs.
- Maternity clothes: Oh yes! Although I can still wear some non-maternity tops!
- Belly button in or out: Outtie all the way!
- Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to use the restroom. Then, I tend to struggle with falling back asleep which ends up leading me to the couch for the rest of the night.
- Stretch marks: I think I spotted my first one!! :( Right between my holes from my belly button piercing!
- Food cravings: I guess you could say sweets!
- Movement: He is still movin' and groovin' around in there! There is not much space for him anymore, but that just means it rocks my body more!
- Labor signs: I had some cramping and difficulty breathing a little bit this week! I will have my check-up on Monday, so hopefully there will be some progress!
- What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little man! It has pretty much taken over my mind all day, every day!
- What I miss most: Fitting in my old clothes, getting off the couch/bed/chair without gearing up to do so first!, and having a beer/wine on the deck
- Milestones: We are FULL TERM! Although this has been the case for a week now, it still shocks me I could have this baby at ANY time!

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