Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We have been getting a lot of snow here lately, and although I usually despise the white was much appreciated today! The 5-6 inches, plus blowing wind caused some nice drifts and made for very slick roads! Which leads me to the best part...SCHOOL CLOSED!

Being a teacher really DOES have some nice perks!

I can't help but get absolutely giddy when I receive that phone call telling me that I get to sleep in and don't have to get out and about in that yucky white stuff! But what makes matters even sweeter are this little guy...

I decided to bundle him up in 2 onesies, 2 pairs of socks, sweatpants, bunting outfit, and hat. He wasn't quite sure what to think being all bundled up. Or what in the world mommy was doing with a laundry basket and blanket? Desperate times call for desperate measures! SOO CAUUTTE! I was afraid he might panic so we started off gradually. He started looking curious, so I just plopped him in!

And he LOVED it! He wasn't out there long but long enough for the neighbors to see and probably start wondering what in the world that crazy lady was doing putting a baby in the snow, but it was enough to make for some great memories!
We weren't outside long at all, but after we came in and I got him changed out of his snow clothes, he went straight to the back door and stared out at the snow. :) I'll take that as he had a great time!