Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Where Have I Been?
Stay tuned for more information!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
My thoughts on the Bachelor

Monday, March 2, 2009
Amazing Weekend
L: OOhhhh...oops :)
Sunday was our 1st year wedding anniversary! I can hardly believe it has already been a year since we got married! I guess time flies when you're having fun :) We have had an amazing year and I am looking forward to many, many more to come! M spolied me by being the cutest darn husband ever!! He looked into the tradition gifts given on your first anniversary, and when he heard it was paper, he knew he was in luck! He had the cutest stationary personalized for me! He also knew my obsession for the Twilight series and that I have yet to get to the last book, so he went out and bought me Breaking Dawn. Not only that, he saw The Host by the same author and thought I would like that too :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oscar Night 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Week in review 2
M finally got back from his trip and I'm super-duper happy about that! I've been so bored/lonely, on top of being sick! Not a very fun way to spend Valentine's Day, but I'm much better now! We spent the weekend catching up and spending time in Indy with friends! Pictures to come later...lol :) But for now, it's back to the couch to relax and watch the Oscar red carpet!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
25 Things About Me
1. I love being married.
2. I aspire to own my own business someday…possibly doing something creative like flowers, wedding planning, decorating all in one!
3. I really don’t take long showers, but spend half of the time standing there dreading getting out because I might get cold! Plus, I can’t STAND the feeling of wet hair against my back!
4. I love Q-tips…and use them everyday!
5. I’m really bad at answering my phone. If you know me at all, you’ve probably been on the receiving end of this and I apologize. (It’s not really on purpose…most of the time :o) )
6. I absolutely love my job! It’s been stressful, fun, exciting, and eye-opening getting to start my career.
7. I have a love/hate relationship with living in Lafayette. I LOVE that we have an adorable home and are making lives for ourselves here. I HATE being away from family and friends. I LOVE being so close to my college stomping ground. I HATE that none of my friends are here to enjoy it with me. I LOVE the freedom I have living in a new place. I HATE the smell of this city!
8. I could eat spaghetti, chips and salsa, and mac and cheese everyday and not get sick of them!
9. There are times when I focus so much on HOW to organize something that I end up not doing anything because I can’t make a decision.
10. I have serious issues with making decisions. Pathetic I know…but I just get too tied up with thinking about every possible outcome that I end up not making one at all!
11. I like to consider myself one of the grammar police. (ask my parents…also, the idea that “mac” in #8 is written with a red squiggly underneath is driving me nuts already!)
12. I love to use big vocabulary when I talk, write, text, email, blog, etc. (M is always sure to point this out and laugh)
13. I absolutely HATE chipped nail polish. If one little piece chips away, I immediately start picking the rest of it off. It drives me crazy!
14. I love when you can be so close with someone that you can just look at them and immediately know what they are thinking without saying a word.
15. I like to turn on every single light on my way to any room. Maybe I’m still scared of the dark?!? (Ex: Last night the power went off and I was all by myself. I screamed, the dog jumped, and I scrambled for my cell phone…for the light of it of course! Then with my phone guiding the way, I safely made it to some matches, lit a few candles (ok, maybe enough to start a bonfire), and then called my parents.) The lights came on 10 minutes later :o)
16. I am so thankful for my amazing family. I don’t know where I would be without them in my life.
17. I feel equally lucky to have married into an amazing family.
18. I’m so excited to be an aunt! Baby G will be spoiled rotten.
19. I believe retail therapy really cures all things. I used to hate the idea of shopping by myself, but having done a lot of it lately (see # 9) I have learned to really enjoy it. I could spend hours in a store and never buy anything…which drives M crazy!
20. My friends are absolutely amazing! I know that no matter how life changes, we will always be able to pick up right where we left off.
21. I <3 procrastinating! (maybe that’s why its taken me so long to do this…but it could just be #10)
22. I despise doing the laundry. M thinks I need laundry 101 classes. I think he may just take over that job!
23. I drink 2 cups of coffee every morning. With yummy flavored cream of course!
24. If you told me I was going to end up married to the boy I met in high school when I was only 15, I probably would have said you were crazy! Now, I know that I was crazy to waste any time at all with him.
25. When looking back over these 25 random things about myself, I realized how truly blessed/exciting/happy my life has been. I can only pray that it will continue to so in the future :o)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Week in review
I WAS going to attempt to make this post my 25 Things About Me, but it is taken WAY longer than I had anticipated! (It's actually quite hard to sit down and think of 25 worthy things about myself to share!) Maybe by tomorrow I can have a list done...maybe not..the GRAMMY'S are on! Along with Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters...goodness, I just realized how pathetic my tv watching habit is! Well...off I go to feed my television addiction!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My Favorite "R" Things

4. Reading--Right now I am completely obsessed with the Twilight series! I started reading the books over the summer, and with all the craziness of working...I am still reading Eclipse! Don't spoil the ending for me!!
5. Reality TV--You name it, I love it! American Idol, The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, The Hills, Survivor, True Beauty, and the list goes on...

Well I am currently working on my list of "R" things, thanks to Joey. Hopefully I will come up with some good things before the day is over.
Stay warm and hopefully we will have school tomorrow!! :o)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Relaxing Weekend

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Proud to be an American

Good luck and God Bless Obama family!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Whooo hooo 4 day weekend!

Happy Birthday M!
I love you!
Today you can even wear your birthday suit! (Just be careful in this -23 degree wind chill!!) haha
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
High of -1 Degrees?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Viva Las Vegas
Ahh....the view I woke up to in the morning :)
Our hotel, Planet Hollywood
Since it was right after Christmas, the Bellagio was still all decked out...and I was in awe of the amazing sights! These cute snowmen are made of fresh flowers...and that is only a sneak peek!