As cheesy, overused, and corny as it may sound, I truly feel proud to be an American today. As you may know, I am not a very "political" person, nor do I really follow politics or enjoy it for that matter, however today was truly remarkable to live & witness. With students in tow, we watched the Inauguration ceremonies of the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. It was definetely something new to me, to witness such a enormous event in history. As I spoke with some of my teacher friends and we discussed whether or not 8 year olds are capable of understanding something of this importance, I realized I had never witnessed such an event in my lifetime. Watching the Inauguration, I couldn't help but get goosebumps thinking of what a huge impact this day will forever hold in history. I could care less about the political issues that we will be faced to deal with tomorrow. What I do find awe-inspiring though, is the feeling of pride in our country that is being celebrated today. Despite political parties, I felt that our country was truly in the spotlight for something POSITIVE exciting for a change!
On a less serious note....could those girls BE any cuter?

Good luck and God Bless Obama family!
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