Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Favorite "R" Things

Here they no particular order...My top ten favorite things that start with "R". Joey gave me mine, and if you would like to play, leave me a comment and I will give you a letter! Hope you enjoy!

1. Riesling wine--just so smooth and tasty!

2. R&R--Rest and Relaxation...nothing I enjoy more than hanging out at home in comfy sweats!
3. Roadhouse, Texas--Who can honestly resist those rolls?! Yumm :)

4. Reading--Right now I am completely obsessed with the Twilight series! I started reading the books over the summer, and with all the craziness of working...I am still reading Eclipse! Don't spoil the ending for me!!5. Reality TV--You name it, I love it! American Idol, The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, The Hills, Survivor, True Beauty, and the list goes on...

6. Raspberry--I love the flavor in almost anything! I love it even more than strawberry or cherry!

7. Red--The color of my first car, the decor in our living room/kitchen, and just wearing red clothes!

8. Rascal Flatts--Love them and their songs! One of the best concerts I have ever been to!
9. Red-nosed pitbulls--Only because my beloved Colby is one! (and because they get a bad-rep as ALL being bad!)

10. Redecorating--Or just decorating! Either way, I love to think about redesigning our house and driving M nuts with all of my ideas!